{ claus.conrad }

Corel MindManager



Visual productivity tools and mind mapping software that take you and your organization to where you want to be.


  • Mindjet for [Windows](…/Microsoft Windows/) (v11) installer didn’t replace/update Mindjet MindManager 2012 (v10)
  • Too expensive for SaaS - only targeting enterprise customers as opposed to an option for mostly everybody previously
  • Login to Mindjet for Mac (v10) doesn’t recognize subscription nor license key from Windows version
  • Mindjet for Mac (v10) tutorial link points to v9 tutorial
  • Cannot save task searches in Mindjet Tasks (web)
  • Company is out of touch with their customer base - presentation video full of BuzzWords, doesn’t deliver
  • Comparison sheet says the Windows/Mac versions can import from Google, LinkedIn etc., but this is not possible - Web version is a subset of desktop software (as expected), but also vice-versa
  • No iPad task management app?
  • No native Android app(s)??
  • Bought a subscription for $240/year recently - only Windows version upgraded for free, no access to Mac or enhanced web versions without using time-limited upgrade offer