{ claus.conrad }

Why I avoid sugar

📅 May 30, 2010
⌛ 2 minutes

Okay, so if you have met me in person you know that I'm rather slim, and whether or not you've met me I might have told you that I avoid eating sugar. I get questioned A LOT about this, so I'll try to explain why I do this.

  1. It’s a sure-fire way to get acne (pimples) for me. I am about 90% likely to have a lot less clean skin for a couple of days the day after drinking a 16 oz. bottle of coke, for example. I’m not happy with my body to begin with and don’t see any reason to make it worse.

  2. It affects my immune system as much as skiing nude. Seriously, I’m not guaranteed to get a cold or individual cold symptoms after eating a piece of chocolate, but I’m much more likely to after going on a sugar binge.

Now, to debunk a few common reactions I get regarding my choice:

  1. I am not a closet diabetic. That is the most common assumption I hear - if you are wary of consuming lots of sugar you must be diabetic. As far as I know I’m not and I don’t have reason to believe I am.

  2. I happen to like sugar, I mean come on, who doesn’t like sweet foods?

  3. I have experienced both effects hundreds if not thousands of times, so yes I’m pretty sure I don’t imagine it. For example, once in a while my craving for sugary foods wins and when that happens I might eat 5 oz. of chocolate or 5 bars on one occasion. When I do, I am more likely than not to end up with cold symptoms after 36 to 48 hours. Also, eating sugar during a cold usually prolongs it for me.

  4. I’m not fanatic about this. Once in a while I do drink or eat sugary foods because I like them or for social reasons. Not every day but maybe like once a week or so.

  5. I’m not trying to proselytize. My body is not yours, sugar likely doesn’t have these effects on you. If it doesn’t, good for you, go ahead and have that cake. Whether I’m around or not, I probably don’t care what you consume anyway. All I’m asking is that you respect my choice and don’t try to convince me that MY body needs sugar. Thanks for reading.